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Connecting schools wth Toronto families in need of support

The Hamper Hub is a network of Toronto District School Board Social Workers, school principals, teachers and staff, along with parent volunteers all working together to help families in need during the holiday season. The social workers compile profiles of struggling families within our community, creating a holiday wish list with each family member. The families are then paired with classrooms or groups of students who collect donations and put together personalized hampers which are delivered just in time for winter break.

Please note this program is run by TDSB social workers, participating school administrators and parent volunteers, and it is not open to the general public.

You cannot see how impactful and meaningful these gifts are to our families; how often they are the only gifts some families receive, or see how overcome parents are with relief and gratitude. I am so thankful for your generosity and thoughtfulness as I joyously deliver on your behalf
— TDSB Social Worker

Spreading hope to struggling families

There is an urgent need for support

These families often can’t provide even the basic necessities like food and warm clothing

Built on a true sense of community

The hamper program is Toronto school children helping other Toronto school children

Teaching our kids about giving back

Holiday Hampers create an excellent opportunity to teach our children about giving back during the holiday season. We encourage parents and teachers to really involve the kids in discussions around the family they’ll be supporting, their needs, and how much of a positive impact their actions can make.

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