Holiday Hampers,

a wonderful tradition

Every year in mid-November, TDSB social workers provide us with information on families in our community in need. These families are experiencing a variety of difficult situations that include; health issues, unemployment, underemployment, ongoing poverty, domestic violence, disabilities, mental health challenges and some are newcomers to Canada, with limited resources. The parents are struggling to provide even the most basic necessities for their children, and the Hampers make an immense impact on brightening their holiday season.

Those in need also include youth who are unable to live at home, often due to abuse or neglect, and have to reside in community shelters. These teens and young adults might not have any family contact over the holidays and the hampers provide the only presents they’ll receive. Please see comments about the program from the social workers below.

  • "One mother was so happy that she started to cry and said that she has never seen anything like this Hamper in her life. She was so excited to see her children's faces on Christmas morning. She was also so excited to feed them delicious healthy food that she was able to buy because of your generosity with grocery gift cards. Further, she was so happy to have the ability to snuggle together with her children on the sofa playing the games you so generously gave the family"

  • "Every year, I have been absolutely amazed by the overwhelming generosity of the school community. The specialized and thoughtful approach to each family's needs and attention to detail has been incredible. Seeing the relief and gratitude on the faces of parents, many of whom have had such difficult years and stresses in their lives, has been truly warming. Thank you so much for giving these families a beautiful and much deserved Holiday"

  • “The Holiday Hamper received by one family made the difference between being able to buy extra food for their Holidays (such as a turkey) and not having anything special to eat. When I delivered the Holiday Hamper to this family the father had tears in his eyes and said that he would one day give back when he was able to work again.”

  • "As a TDSB social worker, I have been able to access support for families through your program for many years. The care and work that goes into these individualized items for children and parents has been extraordinary!! Many familes and children would have gone without anything special and items they need, such as winter coats and boots; without your support"

How it works

Social workers sit down with family members to create a wish list for things such as toys, clothing, household items and gift certificates. Participating schools can choose to support one family per classroom, one per grade or advisor group, however many works best for them. They will receive family profiles and are asked to collect contributions towards each family’s wish list. Each classroom or student group requires volunteers to co-ordinate donations and ensure that all family members receive items off their wish list. A school wide assembly can be held to introduce the initiative and let students know where they can drop off donations. The social workers then pick up hampers from the schools just before the holidays and deliver them directly to the families.

How to make your hampers extra special

Decorate the hampers

Turn the holiday hamper into an art project. Decorate with ribbons, wrapping paper and snowflakes

Students can make cards

Make holiday cards for the family with messages of love, support and hope. A stack of these can go in the hamper

Wrap the presents

Items don’t need to be wrapped but it’s really nice for children to have a couple of presents to actually open

Any questions?

We’re here to help

Please get in touch if you need help supporting the holiday hamper program at your school